Monday, March 17, 2008

by Malik Isasis

The propagandist, white supremacists and imperialists over at Fox News has been beta testing attacks on Obama for months to see which attacks would stick. The kitchen-sink theory, if you will. It appears they have been successful. After weeks of pushing the idea of Obama’s spiritual advisor Rev. Jeremiah Wright being a radical left wing black separatist, the other news outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC blindly followed Fox News’ narrative.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Here is Fox News’ narrative, watch the contempt:

Now here is a sample of Fox News’s narrative in the echo chamber over at ABC News:

White Supremacy

Only in Bush World, can issues having nothing to do with the failing economy, genocide, and military occupations take the backseat to sexual peccadilloes, or hysteria about Mexicans, Muslims or media labeled black separatists.

The corporate media sickness lies in its collective ideology: white supremacy. White supremacy is the idea that white people are more superior to other ethnic groups, and anything that veers outside of the white knowledge base is seen as a threat; the corporate media and higher education would have you believe that exclusively skinheads or other white separatist groups hold this ideology, but in fact, it is the founding ideology of the United States. It is why this country was founded on twin genocides of Native Americans and African slaves. It is why there was a 100 years of apartheid against African Americans in the United States after the abolishment of slavery. It is also why, this country feels it could occupy and subjugate two Muslim countries. And it is why when other ethnic groups speak out about the injustices and destructiveness of the white supremacy ideology, they are quickly discredited.

African Americans are supposed to be quiet about their genocide. We are told that it is history, and to stop whining. Those who do not shut up are labeled race baiters, or race pimps, or even black separatist. Never mind that collectively, African Americans hold absolutely no power in this country.

Yet, one preacher from Chicago is a threat?

What is the basis for this paranoia?

The sickness is so absolute that Bush has murdered hundreds of thousands, lost trillions in U.S Treasury through what will be discovered as the largest money laundry operation the world has ever seen, occupying two countries, has caused the displacement of millions in Iraq, Lebanon and Occupied Palestine, neglect of New Orleans after and during Hurricane Katrina, torture humans, domestic spying, and has caused an economic disaster in United States, yet the media has allowed him to skip along for nearly 8 years like a child with a picnic basket.

Bush's wake of destruction and travesty has not caused indignation because of Bush's and the neocons' ability to tap into the most darkest self, the reptilian brain whose base response is survival. They've managed to manufacture bogey men in the form of Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks, but instead of fearing black preachers and activists, it is white fear which needs to be deconstructed, because it causes far more destruction than a so-called black radicals with no political, financial, or governmental infrastructure to cause the collective, dominate culture harm.


Fox News, America’s State-run propaganda news channel, is the deftest at inciting white fear, as it pretends to be real news. Just look at this clip, where they show an African American murder suspect, followed by the interview with Barack Obama.

Black politicians are always asked to repudiate or distance themselves from black activists, however when it comes to white, right wing radical hate mongers such as Pat Robertson, or the late Jerry Falwell, white politicians aren't held to the same standard.

Why Obama subjected himself to Fox News and ass puppet, Major Garrett is beyond me. Garrett’s intent was clear, to make Obama look like a bumbling idiot, and it’s unfortunate that Obama has played the game. Now they’ve defined the narrative.


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