Wednesday, March 05, 2008

by Malik Isasis

In the past month Hillary has lost the last 12 out of 15 primary and caucus contests and yet after her three wins in Texas, Rhode Island and Ohio, she has momentum? The corporate media’s disproportionate celebration of her momentum seems odd specifically since the delegate count and popular vote are still mathematically out of reach for her but that doesn’t matter does it? Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stones said it best, “In the media, I know, I'm out there, I'm one of them, they have this idea of what the president is suppose to look like and if anybody deviates from this plan, they hammer the shit out of them until they're no longer a viable candidate. You can send any shit up the flag pole and all these reporters will just fucking salute it!"

Hillary’s an astute politician. How else can she play victim and Machiavelli simultaneously? Hillary’s whisper and kitchen-sink campaigning about Obama’s fluffy treatment in the media, life experience, his religious background, false NAFTA argument and the airing of a Karl Rovian political ad in the last week was sent up the flag pole and the corporate punditry and reporters saluted. And now with just three losses in the past 15 races, the corporate media has begun a narrative: Is Obama tough enough? Does Obama have a glass jaw?

If Obama fights back against the Clintons and the Democratic Party establishment and surrogates, they and the corporate shills will use it against Obama, saying that his campaign is not about Hope or Inspiration.

Goooo Establishment!

Clinton and her surrogates in the media are using the circular logic that she has won all the big states, and that since she has won all the big states she is better situated to win the presidency. The problem with that right off the bat is that if Obama were to be nominated, he would win all those big states, based upon the Democratic turn out. Those big states are democratic-heavy. The obtuse corporate media is not interested in facts, just fiction.

As Clinton bolsters McCain’s experience and parrots his talking points, she will find the media love for McCain will come back to haunt her. Once she has disposed of Obama, her talking points against Obama will be used to cut her throat. It will be Shakespearean.

There will be blood, but it will be what is left of this country’s integrity. Thanks to the Bush legacy, ignorance and fear will win the day.


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