Monday, February 11, 2008

by Malik Isasis

Aside from leaving a terrible shit stain on the country, Bush has in the last 7 years spoiled his rabid right wing, crackpots with militarism, tax cuts, political appointees, corporate giveaways and fear-based governance. For the Republicans, the chickens have come home to roost.

John McCain the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has the right wing flock flapping as if they were suffering from bird flu over his conservative credentials. Make no doubt about it, McCaine is as conservative as they come with a 82.6 voting record over his 24 years in the senate, but this is not enough for the floaters like radio talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram and Ann Coulter. On February 7, 2008 John “The Maverick” McCain slid on the kneepads at the Conservative Political Action Committee just to show he’s not above giving a little head to get ahead.

At the CPAC McCain was booed, yet he continues to lobby for bottom of the barrel, backward-looking 33% of the population.

The 33%

The neocons’ propaganda machine has created a simple narrative, not simple in the pejorative sense, but simple in a brilliant way. The neocons’ fictional narrative folds neatly into America’s white supremacy values. It is in this brilliant strategy that the Republicans are able to get people to vote against their own interests.

The neocon narrative tells Evangelicals that their moral and religious values are superior, beyond reproach—they are the moral compass of America, the corporate media coddles this folklore by persistently referring to this voting block as “Values Voters” (see here) If they are Value Voters what does that make the rest of us?

There is an interesting dichotomy with the 33% in which the corporate media glosses over, take for example, the abortion and the culture of life propaganda; some voters vote Republican on abortion alone. The same voters are supporting the Occupation in Iraq, which has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children.

John “The Maverick” McCain is twisting himself into a pretzel to become as primitive as the 33%. His catering to the religiosity of the 33% right wing ideology is shameful, and he’s shameless.


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