Friday, February 29, 2008

by Malik Isasis

So, the corporate media has decided they’ve built Obama up high enough on a pedestal to knock him down now. A whisper campaign by Hillary's surrogates has planted the idea that the corporate media hasn’t been tough on Obama. And on the night of the debate, Tim Russert acted as the meat-puppet shill he is and began race-baiting Obama by injecting Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam into the debate. Farrakhan an icon of hate for white punditry came out as a supporter for Obama. Russert all but demanded Obama denounce Farrakhan and everything that he stood for, although Obama had already denounced Farrakhan’s past rhetoric. Russert’s performance was like a comedian who has stayed on the stage for too long.

The white punditry, politicians and corporate media hate Farrakhan and use him to undermine anything involving the grievances of black folk. He is an easy target, like OJ Simpson, therefore a distraction. Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic rhetoric is just as ridiculous as the rightwing corporate evangelists Pat Robertson’s and Jerry Falwell’s blaming gays, liberals, ACLU, abortionists, and feminists for the Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 but somehow, they hang on to legitimacy and the corporate media is more than willing to give them a platform for the hate speech. And it just so happens that it is okay for Republican presidential candidate John McCain to court the late Jerry Farewell by speaking at his university in 2006. Will the corporate meat puppets use this against McCain? Probably, not.

The false narrative that the corporate media puts out is that Farrakhan has power. He has the minds and souls of millions of black folk, but you see that is only white supremacy thinking. Black folk don’t meet in a dark room and anoint leaders, actually it is the corporate media and government who take particular interests in Civil Rights activists and anoint them to the millions of black folk. So, once they anoint one, they can immediately begin to pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey of all of their hate. When the corporate media’s anointed black leader is humiliated, and discredited, he is used as a strawman to discredit the rest of the black population. It was done with Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton. The latter two Civil Rights activists are still unable to live down their earlier missteps even as they have evolved. Again, white supremacy don’t allow growth, it is not in the interest of the corporate meat puppets to humanize, but demonize. This tactic has also been used internationally, against heads of states--it makes for easier subjugation.

Here are two articles on Farrakhan (1, 2). You come to your own conclusions on his worthiness of such attention.

Weight of Racism

Neocons, Repooblicans and the media whores they exploit would like us to believe that Farrakhan’s supposed racism is more destructive and is an immediate threat to the United States, or Israel—to white man, himself. Farrakhan does not have access to State resources to start wars, incarcerate those he hates, nor does he has access to the banking infrastructure to red line nor does he has access to any conglomerate media empires to promote endless propaganda. Lastly, none of the black people who are susceptible to Farrakhan’s message have access to the infrastructure to enforce his so-called racism.

If you were to invert the claims of the corporate shills and lobbyists, you’ll find the true culprits of racism.


Fox News is ODing on the Farrakhan narrative. The Flying Monkeys are making their shit bombs. Just as John Kerry in his 2004 was taken to the woodshed, the rightwing hate machine are beta-testing their attacks on Fox News. It’s just a matter of time before their narratives are falling out of the mouths of Tim Russert and the rest of the meat puppets at NBC, CNN, ABC and CBS.

If all else fails incite white fear.


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