Tuesday, March 11, 2008

by Malik Isasis

UPDATED 3/11/08
While the Middle East, Africa and parts of Latin America twists in the flames of hell that Bush has created, he and the corporate media took a small respite to slap him on the ass in a congratulatory send off known at the Grid Iron Dinner. Major news reporters such as Helen Thomas participated in the event, which is supposed to be off the record. Someone recorded this travesty on a cellphone.

by Malik Isasis

French philosopher Voltaire once said, “All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

The manufactured drama of the presidential race has caused the corporate media to focus almost all of its attention on Barack and Hillary. Meanwhile, George W. Bush has managed to tap dance and slip on banana peels into the annals of modern history as the only mentally retarded person to have ever been elected—once, as president of the United States. If he’s mentally retarded, what does that say about the American populace?

A million dead and counting, millions displaced, two occupations, asymmetrical wars in Latin America and Africa, trillions of dollars lost, a broken military, and the collapse of both the United States’ and Iraq’s economy. Only in a post 9/11 Bush World is a man of Bush’s intellectual and emotional deficit is not hold up in The Hague being tried for crimes against Humanity.

How did we end up here?

During the 2002-2003 build up to the Iraq Invasion, the corporate media had begun folding itself into the Department of Defense’s propaganda wing by blindly supporting the Bush Public Relations Administration’s talking points and subverting opposition to the initial Iraq Invasion and subsequent Iraq Occupation. Like a virus in its host, the corporate media had methodically carried the neocons’ message to the masses, infecting the American people with fear and submission. The corporate media also has helped the Republican Party and its right-wing hate machine, to politically box in the Democratic Party with two choices: supporting the terrorists or supporting the troops.

The corporate media assimilation was not difficult after September 11, 2001. The corporate media was looking to create heroes, and in the age of smoke and mirrors, had found exactly what they were looking for in New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, playing it cool under pressure and President Bush with the bullhorn, standing atop of the rubble of the World Trade Towers.


Jonestown was the short-lived settlement which was made in northwestern Guyana by the Peoples Temple, a cult from California, and which became lastingly and internationally notorious in 1978, when nearly its whole population died in a mass murder-suicide orchestrated by their leader, Jim Jones. The name of the settlement thus became, also, a term for that incident. The site is now an abandoned ruin.

Historians and social scientists will look back at the rise of Bush and his neocon army and trace the mass delusion of the American populace back to Bush standing atop of the rubble of the World Trade Center and speaking into that bullhorn, creating his very own Jonestown. In that moment, he converted millions into his cult of fear, war, unfettered capitalism, and imperialism.

Maybe that’s why the corporate media stuck their heads up their asses while Bush poured gas over the Middle East and struck a match, so to cover the largest money-laundering scheme ever in the history of man. If Bush is the head of this dragon, the corporate media, surely, is the neck.


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