Thursday, March 13, 2008

by Malik Isasis

As the useless corporate media continues to peek behind the curtains of politicians’ and celebrities’ bedrooms, George Bush, and his neocon foot soldiers with some help from feeble Democrats in the Congress, have dislodged the capstone of the United States' world prestige and influence, causing it to hit the ground and break into a thousand little pieces.

The media and politicians seem to be in denial about the United States’ economic collapse and political influence around the world. Instead, they give George W, Bush a going away party, and shake shiny keys in front of an obtuse populace with sexual and racial distractions. This works because Americans have a very narrow view of morality, which tends to focus solely on sex and patriotism.

The Fall

The Associated Press reported on March 13, 2008, Hit by a free fall with no end in sight, the once mighty U.S. dollar is no longer just crashing on currency markets and making life more expensive for American tourists and business people abroad; its clout is evaporating worldwide as foreign businesses and individuals turn to other currencies.

I’m no economist, but I do employ common sense. On November 26, 2007, I said,OPEC and the multinational oil companies that extract their oil has the world in a head lock as the price for a barrel of oil reaches a $100 a barrel. If some of the OPEC members have their way and switch to the Euro from the dollar as a reserve currency, we could expect the price of oil to reach $200 dollars a barrel due to the precipitous fall of the dollar. OPEC expects profits and if the reserve currency is devalued, the price has to be inflated to keep up with the world currencies that are surpassing the dollar. Robert McHugh of Financial Sense predicts that the dollar will lose 50% its value based on insurmountable debt.

The Wake Up

As media punditry and politicians wax on about the greatness of America, the world is passing us by. Greatness is defined by actions, and not by clunky, jingoistic propaganda that keeps us in the dark. We may become one of those great boxers, who decide to come out of retirement to fight again, only to be knocked out.


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