Tuesday, August 04, 2009

by Malik Isasis

Who knew that Republican operatives--lobbying firms, would use the techniques of Flash Mobbing in Democratic town hall meetings to give the illusion that there is a mass uprising.

One thing is for sure, Republicans, their political operatives and their allies in the corporate media are stoking the flames of white hatred. When all else fails, pull the race card out of your vest and slam it on the table. What is interesting about the Republican Party is the dept of their delusion. They have become so septic and foul that they don’t even try to hide the contempt that they have for the American people.

Republicans with the help of a weak and willful Democratic Party have successfully allowed the corporations to set up an indentured servant class. We are born into debt. If we get injured or sick we accrue more debt from the medical bills. If we go to college we graduate in debt. Since we are in debt, we get credit cards to put ourselves further into debt. Before we know it, we are owned by a corporate entity such as Master Card. We are slaves and don’t even know it.

Republicans are constantly quipping about values and the culture of life, but the Republicans have no interests in “the culture of life” it's all sloganeering, geared toward winning elections and maintaining power. They cater to the false sense of moral superiority of the ignorant racists who they’ve convinced to vote against their own interests.

They and their followers are political weevils that have bored their way into the political infrastructure and have laid waste to common sense, compassion and public service. The federal government for Republicans, serves as the jump off for their larvae to develop into full fledged corporate lobbyists.

Neocons, Republicans and the rest of the right wing cabal use white lower and underclass people and their “small-town values” like a condom, once they are done fucking the white lower, and underclass people they are tossed into an empty receptacle until the next election cycle. It is they, the Republicans who when in office, send their jobs over seas; it is they who send their children, father and mothers off to wars; it is they who stagnate their wages; it is they who destroy unions which protects wages, and healthcare.

The right wing cabal hide behind plain talk, and anti-intellectuality, but they are closeted elitists—making billions in the corridors of Washington D.C. Here is how you measure a Republican: whatever they say about the Democrats believe the inverse. When they say that Democrats believe in big government, it is they who need a bigger government to protect the assets and wealth of corporations.

It doesn’t matter to the white working class and underclass that Republicans have wrought them more poverty through policies that have moved their manufacturing jobs overseas, broken up unions, increased their cost of living by outsourcing the United States government to private contractors…oh, and sending your children, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters off to fight corporate wars of choice. I know none of that matters so as long as you’re white, you all right…right? Right on. You’ve been convinced to vote against your own interests. Keep on being white, broke and dead.

The False Prophet

Corporations pulls the strings like Geppetto and the marionettes in the political theatre dance and distract so the American people can’t see the strings.

Who stands to benefit from status quo of a failed healthcare system, the American people or the insurance/healthcare corporations? The Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats would surely sacrifice your life to please the False Prophets.


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