Wednesday, July 29, 2009

by Malik Isasis

The shit stew keeps getting stinkier, as Republicans and their white supremacist operatives keep pushing the boundaries of decency.

Talk show host and Fox News personality, Glenn Beck is making a name for himself as he keeps rapid-cycling through his bipolar; he and his psychic mentor drug-abuser Rush Limbaugh are using a strategy that is transparent. They are calling President Obama and Professor Gates, racists, two black men who are at the pinnacle of success.

By calling President Obama a racist, they are trying to undercut any claim of actual racism. They seem to portend that just being called a racist is worst than actually being a racist.

The plan is simple: stoke the hatred of the 33% of the population who are stupid enough to vote against their own interests because they are stupid enough to believe these clown, corporate multi-millionaires care about them, but these multi-millionaires already have excellent healthcare.

No matter how horrible the Republicans are for the country and the world, their support in the polls will never go below 30%- 33% because President Nixon laid down the foundation. The poorest of the poor of Republicans are the most dogmatic about wedge issues such as race, gay marriage, abortion, and Mexicans. The so-called wedge issues keeps the Republicans’ poor wrapped up in their xenophobia. These folks have been convinced that they are the moral center of the country. They have also been convinced that being educated is elitism, staying in and living in squalor is noble, and working two or three jobs to make ends meet is American pie. So now when you hear these dumb asses shouting, "USA! USA! USA!" to their own demise, you know why.

There is a movement afoot to have President Obama formally apologize to the white arresting officer, Officer Crowley (an Obama supporter). In the words of Uncle Tom sellout Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, this ain't nothing but "a high-tech lynching", to humiliate, emasculate and to decimate President Obama's sphere of influence, and the corporate media are playing along by providing the airwaves.


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