Thursday, July 23, 2009

by Malik Isasis

IS it racial profiling? The corporate media keeps asking after the arrest of African American, Harvard Professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. in his own home, when it was assumed he was breaking and entering. After a few heated exchanges between Professor Gates and the arresting officer, Gates brandished his identification proving that he was indeed the owner of his home. The arresting officer asked him outside where he was arrested. Is it racial profiling? The corporate media keeps asking. The fact that they keep asking reveals the depth of their sickness, the white bigotry that blinds all common sense. Yes, it was racial profiling you jackasses.

If this would have been the media darling former Republican Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin being arrested in her own home, the rightwingers would have raised hell.

During the Judicial Hearing of Supreme Court Nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor, a Yale graduate (cum laude) with a seventeen-year career as a prosecutor and judge, still had to prove to a panel of old white men who hold a false sense of superiority, and entitlement, question whether or not she was qualified for the job, in spite of having proved so. Take a look at what the corporate media put out during the run up to the hearing:

There is nothing post racial about America due to the fact America doesn’t really want to deal with psychic wounds of chattel slavery, African and Native American genocide and American apartheid, and long as the corporate media keeps playing the three wise monkeys, they will continue to ask dumb ass questions such as Why do they hate us? Or, Is it racial profiling?


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