Monday, August 25, 2008

by Malik Isasis

While on vacation I managed to avoid the news and politics. I’ve also been slow on updating the blog. It’s because I’ve been on vacation for the past two weeks. On Saturday I spent 7 hours in the air flying from my hometown Seattle via Los Angeles, and on Sunday, I hopped the Amtrak to Montreal for another 10-hour trek where I’ll be for the next week.

So I’m in beautiful Montreal in a sublet that leans like the tower of Piza. It’s a little scary. I’m staying in the hip neighborhood Laurier. Everything is in French, and I do mean everything. Sometimes there are cognates, words that are similar to English that I can understand, but most of the time I look like a lost child searching for his mother in the supermarket. It’s fine; it’s the best way to learn the language.

My place is down the street from a bar. People smoke marijuana here like cigarettes. The police are ho-hum about the whole thing. I passed by a bar up from where I’m staying last night and there were three attractive women sitting at a table, smoking weed.

I’ve been off work for nearly three weeks now. So, this is how the Europeans and Australians must feel with all the time they get off from work. This is the first time I’ve had consecutive weeks off from work without having to quit my job.

I’m off to the Montreal film festival…I do have some shit to say about politics Obama's Vice Presidential pick, Bush, McCain and the corporate media. I’m letting it all germinate for the next update on Wednesday.


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