Monday, August 11, 2008

by Malik Isasis

Former Democratic Presidential Candidate John Edwards was discovered to have had an affair with someone on his campaign staff, and now the corporate media has predictably formed a circle jerk with wall-to-wall coverage revealing themselves as the pornographers they really are. What a bunch of immature, childish imbeciles. I take that back, these flying monkeys know exactly what they are doing.

Just recently Republican Senator Ted Stevens was indicted for taken bribes from big oil in Alaska, but whoring for corporate oil conglomerates isn’t salacious enough for the media I suppose. The media likes to play to the naiveté of the American populace when it comes to human sexuality. Every time a politician has sex outside his marriage, the public and the media act as if they’ve never heard of such a thing, political pundits are dramatically indignant. This type of stupidity, or idiocy about politics and power are the remnants of the antiquated puritanical values that Americans continue to hold onto in spite of reality. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said it best, "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." Where you find power, you find men abusing it. Period.

The so-called progressive bloggers and punditry are jumping into the fray perpetuating nonsensical coverage over a private matter that has no effect on public policy. Personal affairs of the heart have no effect on public policy. On the other hand, taking bribes from big oil, does indeed affect public policy. The collapse of Bears & Stearns and Fannie May and Freddie Mac have real world consequences for instance. The cognitive dissonance is astounding, but I think about the intent of the media, and it begins to make much more sense. The media has long scrapped its role as an advocate, the fourth estate. Its sole purpose today is to sell us shit, bullshit, and products from the likes of Proctor and Gamble and such, but more importantly, the main objective of this matrix is to control us, mind, body, and soul.

Here is the corporate media’s real agenda on the Edwards affair. Take a gander at this video:

This is the real agenda to discredit the whole Democratic Party. This is clearly, obfuscation. Edwards’ brand of Populism politics never sat well with corporate media, therefore, when Edwards made poor choices in his personal life for reasons that are only known to him, the corporate media is using this as an opportunity to discredit the man, rather than the “sin.” By the time they are done picking at Edward’s bones, he will be of no use to the Democratic party, more importantly, he won’t be chosen as an Attorney General of an Obama Administration, therefore Republicans and their flying monkeys won’t be held accountable.

The Kentucky Fried Chicken media are using Edwards as another anvil on Obama’s heels to drag him down. Anything having to do remotely with Democrats or progressive issues become the burden of Obama or Democrats.

The corporate media are shameful, but they are shameless in their propaganda of American innocence. It is why Americans are so damn puerile when it comes to natural acts of human copulation; we rather see shit get blown up. We indulge in billions of dollars behind closed doors in pornography, better still, our government loves stacking naked Muslim men in a naked pyramid and raping them anally and yet, corporate media still has the audacity to judge others when they cheat on their spouses.


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