Sunday, June 22, 2008

by Malik Isasis

As expected the Democratic leadership Senator Harry Reid, and Representative Nancy Pelosi have given George W. Bush one last victory for the road. And the victory is significant. Bush received $160 billion dollars from his largess, the Democratic-run congress, for the continued occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

June 20 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. House approved a compromise agreement that gives the Bush administration more than $160 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and includes new spending sought by Democrats for domestic priorities.

Customers are suing telecommunication companies for releasing their records to the Bush administration for “national security” reasons. So, included in this giveaway is complete immunity for the telecommunication companies who spy on their customers for the government. Nice, huh?

Democratic Leader of the House, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had the audacity to say this: “Let us think and hope that this is the last time another dollar is spent without constraints, without conditions, without direction.”


Bush has clubbed the Democrats like a baby seal and their bloody carcasses lay and rot under the sun of irrelevance. It was just six months ago, December 2007 that the Democrats drew a line in the sand and dared—or rather hoped that Bush wouldn’t cross the line.

He did and here’s what happened: The House of Representatives approved another $70 billion in war spending on Wednesday, capping a year of frustration for Democrats who took control of Congress on pledges to end the war in Iraq.

Thanks Democrats!

Democrats, I personally would like to thank you for changing nothing. Not a damn thing.

The little girl in the picture crying over her dead parent thanks you. The 4 million civilians who’ve fled Iraq, thanks you. The 650,500 Iraqi civilians who’ve been violently killed, thanks you. And thanks to you Democratic Party, millions more Iraqi civilians have an opportunity to become refugees, or die violently under the U.S. occupation.

You worthless pieces of shit.


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