Tuesday, February 03, 2009

by Malik Isasis
Updated for February 5, 2009

The corporate media are like those kids on the playground whispering destructive gossip into the ears of bullies, who in turn pounce on those kids who are afraid or unable to defend themselves. For eight years, the corporate media went silent when it came to so-called bi-partisanship in Washington. For eight years the corporate media went along with Bush no matter how far right his policies were. Now that the Democrats are in charge, the corporate media are cheering bipartisanship from the ivory tower—going so far as to call Obama a failure for not getting any Republican support on his bailout bill in just thirteen days of governance.

The Republicans who from the start of the Obama administration set out to under mind anything that the Democrats put forth because they understand that if they whine, the corporate media and political operatives posing as news anchors and pundits will manufacture fake controversies.

Only when Democrats are in charge is centrism and bipartisanship the lens in which the corporate media judge the Democrats, rather than looking at the Republicans’ ineptitude. The dire economic straits were caused by Republican policy, yet the media discuss the fixes as if the Democrats were in charge during the colossal failure of Republican governance. Now that the Republicans are no longer in power they're arguing fiscal responsibility, all of a sudden they've found morality. It goes to show that these people have no integrity, believing only in power and will say and do anything to get it.

The media are destructive, manufacturing controversies as distraction, allowing the Republicans to blunt any policies that could possibly help the working class and poor. They are quick to take the language of Republicans and call college assistant and Pell grant increases, pork. It is the HEAD UP ASS SYNDROME, the media who are subsidiaries of multinational corporations are not in the business of advocacy journalism, their objective is to turn American citizens into pure consumers, to keep us asleep. They understand that once the people become conscious of the Ponzi scheme of misinformation, it’ll be over. So, they work hard to keep the masses from consciousness, and blindly spending themselves into indentured servitude.


I’ve screamed from the rooftops about the Republicans and their kind. They play for keeps, they never compromise, it is only the Democrats who give way, and it is only the middle, working and underclass that pay the price. Even in power the Democrats are lost, riding on a white horse and chasing windmills. They talk shit and nothing happens, drawing imaginary lines in the sand only to have the Republicans cross those lines and slap them in the face. The Republicans are Bugs Bunny and The Democrats, Elmer Fudd.

Obama has bought into many of the Republicans’ argument; it is why he put three of them into his administration. If he has Republicans (like Clinton) in his administration then in his mind he’s has legitimacy in the eyes of Republicans. Bush needed no such validation, did he? When Democrats accept Republican arguments, they lose because they need to marginalize their base to do so.

You cannot rationalize with those who are irrational, the Republicans are irrational, and the Democrats bleed their foreheads banging it against the wall trying to rationalize with a pathology that is only concerned with the wealth and power. I suppose this makes the Democrats crazy, right, doing the same thing and expecting different results, and all.

The Democrats are going to blow this opportunity just as Clinton had, because they cannot get over the fact that the corporate media and the Republicans will cut their throats and hang them upside down and bleed them out. Democrats need to get their heads out of their asses, just pop it out, and look around and maybe then they’ll understand that the people’s needs outweigh your need to be loved by the Republicans, it outweighs the Republicans’ need for power.

Wake the fuck up Obama.

February 5, 2009

Much better Mr. President, much better. Thank you.


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