Monday, January 05, 2009

by Malik Isasis

As I watch the corporate media cover the Israeli invasion of the Israeli occupied Palestinian territory, I am sicken to my stomach as Israel is portrayed yet again as a victim, for occupying millions of Palestinians and expecting the Palestinians to be okay with the squalidness of their subjugation. As Malcolm X once said, you can’t stab a man in the back with a nine-inch knife, pull it out a few inches and expect him to be grateful. This is the short sightedness of white supremacy however, complete arrogance, military masturbation of power to show the world just how to domesticate unarmed, broken infrastructure, and military-less Arab people. What’s more, is that the world stands by giving Israel a freehand so as not to seem anti-Semitic for the cultural and slow-burn genocide or democide that is occurring in Palestine against another Semitic people.

In Tim Burton’s (1989) Batman starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, a criminal named Jack kills Bruce Wayne’s parents, and when Bruce becomes the Batman and confronts the Joker for the first time, Batman says to the Joker, “You created me.” The Joker laughs because before he was the Joker he was just a thug named Jack that Batman threw into a vat of chemicals and disfigured his face, creating a permanent smile.
“What? You created me,” The Joker said back to Batman…or something to that effect. This is the impossible wound of the Middle East; and It seems that after eight years of George Bush and his neocon flying monkey army efforts to imperialize the Middle East for oil, the corporate media continues to support the US and Israel’s “War is Peace” propaganda making it clear that they, the corporate media are largely responsible for sustaining the chaos, and have a lasting damage on society with the lies they tell.

Tony Soprano Diplomacy and the Newton’s Law of Reality

During the first half of 2006 of the US occupation of Iraq, the death rate among the Iraqi civilian population was approximately 30,000 a month. How could this go nearly unnoticed? The death and destruction that has been brought against the Iraqi people is unthinkable, unimaginable—partly because the corporate media had become the public relations arm of the military, cheering on the mechanized way in which unarmed civilians can be killed with the latest and greatest incendiary weaponry. The pep rally was called “Supporting the Troops.” "Support the Troops" was an empty and non-sensical slogan used to suppress anti-war sentiment so that corporate raiders can colonize a sovereign country using the assets of the United States government. It was the collusion between the Bush Administration and their corporate base. It was nothing short of a money-laundering scheme hiding out in plain sight and with contempt.

The London bombings was an example of blowback from Britain's involvement in the Iraq Occupation; it was also an example of the corporate media's disconnect between the British occupation and the bombing. The occupation and the bombing were two ships passing in the night. The media portrayed the London bombing as if one thing had nothing to do with the other.

The correlation between blowback and the United States’ meddling in other folks’ business is clear as the big nose on my face. Here, let me count the ways:

1. United States support of President Mubarak in Egypt
2. Unmitigated support of Israel’s occupation and colonization efforts against the Palestinian people.

3. US supports the corrupt House of Saud
4. US is the number one arms dealer in the world: customers: Lebanon military, Gaza militia, Iraq Sunni dissidents, Israel and many more.
5. US uses the International Monetary Fund as system of controlling developing nations.

The United States and Israel is Tony Soprano, breaking knee caps, busting caps in asses and trying to convince the victim that they deserved it because it was in their best interest. If Tony Soprano got whacked, it wouldn't be unexpected, but the media pretends that Israel’s occupation of nearly 40 years is inconsequential, silencing the Palestinian people's suffering from the world by land, air, and sea is inconsequential, as if 10,000 eyes for an eye revenge is inconsequential, as if living in squalid ghettos and walled off like animals is inconsequential, as if Israel flipping the government every time it wants is inconsequential. Every action has a consequence, Newton’s Law most certainly proved that for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction.

The corporate media is out to transform the United States’ citizenry into pure consumers, unadulterated consumers who spend themselves into unrelievable debt. The corporate media has conflated consumer choices with political choices. The difference between having 26 brands of cereal to choose from is significantly different than having only one choice between two parties who are two faces of the same coin. It is in the corporate media’s best interest to keep the people ignorant, ill informed. It is why we can shop till we drop while occupying two countries, or shop till we drop when the economy has fallen apart, and it was why no one blinked upon Bush saying go shopping days after September 11th.

We are indentured servants to the banks, and corporate will. We’ve been conned into believing that we are informed with political choices. Every time we turn on the news it is propaganda to reinforce a worldview that keeps us idiots, to keep us from questioning policies that are not in our best interest. The fall of every empire is the idiotic belief that being an empire is history has shown, it is not.

Back to my question.

In 2006 there was a stretch of time where 30,000 Arabs a month died in Iraq. How can 30,000 deaths a month go unnoticed in America? It is clear that Arab lives are not valued, and it is perfectly clear to Arabs of how inconsequential their lives are in the eyes of the United States; it is not that they hate our freedoms or, are jealous of our lifestyle as the corporate media would have you believe, rather it is the sheer amount of death, destruction and colonization over decades caused by the United States and other Western powers that has set forth the manifestation of violence that has consumed the Middle East, which drives their anger with the United States. The imagery of Arabs and Muslims as savages is used to justify what we do under the guise of National Security, or Democracy, or in the case of Israel, their right to exist.

What the United States and Israel does has nothing to do with Democracy, but everything to do with colonization—the taking of people’s wealth, land and resources. It is why the US is picking on Iran and scouting the Horn of Africa for oil. The shit we do to others comes home to roost and when the times come, we shouldn't be surprised if we get whacked.


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