Tuesday, October 21, 2008

by Malik Isasis

America refuses to deal with the 800-pound gorilla that is white supremacy. The white collective not only suffers from selective amnesia but also selective mutism. If we don’t talk about it, they won’t bring it up. If they bring it up, we’ll just deny we know anything. This is the approach the corporate media has taken when discussing race in America. When black folk discuss race, they want to make us feel like we’re crazy or ungrateful as if we had nothing to do with the successes of the country. Not even after, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina did white people believe that the criminal neglect by the federal government was due to racism.

Barack Obama went to Columbia University and Harvard Law School, served as president of the Harvard Review, worked as a community organizer, worked as a civil rights lawyer, served in the Illinois State six terms, taught Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law and has served three years as a US Senator. Sarah Palin attended six different colleges before completing her bachelors in journalism, became a member of Wasilla city council for four years, and mayor of the same town for six years. For two years she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, and in 2006 she was elected Alaska Governor.

Only in a white supremacist society, can someone like Sarah Palin be called more qualified than Barack Obama and have the corporate media go along enthusiastically. This is an exceptional example of black taxation

Urban Dictionary defines black tax as:

1. The notion that Black people have to work and perform regular task twice as well as White people.

2. The higher prices that black people have to pay for 1) goods - often due to a lack of large grocery stores, mass market discounters; 2) insurance, mortgages, loans.

Former Bush Secretary of State Colin Powell’s recent endorsement of Obama has caused openly racist right wingers to go apeshit. How quick they turn. Here is a sample:

Got that from Rush Limbaugh? Former Secretary of State, retired General in the United States Army, National Security Advisor, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has less credibility than Joe “The Plumber” a no-license plumber who has become the rallying cry for John McCain’s desperation.

Black Taxation. No matter how educated or experienced a black person may be, it only takes white doubt to undermine that person’s credibility.


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