Friday, October 03, 2008

Guided by the Peter Principle
by Malik Isasis

We are in the last few days of the election season and Fox News has opened its windows from their dark lair and has commanded their flying monkeys to do whatever it takes to win the elections for the Republicans and their conservative cabal. The neocon political mercenaries fly high over the masses dropping shit-bombs to divert attention away from the inept handling of the economy, New Orleans, Iraq and Afghanistan occupations, and jobs. The American people appear wide-awake and are not being fooled by the trickery.

What is interesting about the Republican Party is the dept of their delusion. They have become so septic and foul that they don’t even try to hide the contempt that they have for the American people, but this goes back, way back…back in time.

The 1920s was an era of Republican dominance. During the 1920s there were three consecutive Republican Presidencies: Warren Harding (1920-1923), Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933). Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, like President Bush, favored tax cuts and a hands-off approach toward corporate power. “Taxes and regulation [sic] were slashed dramatically, monopolies were allowed to form, and inequality of wealth and income reached record levels. The country was on the conservative's preferred gold standard, and the Federal Reserve was not allowed to significantly change the money supply (Kangas). The Laissez faire doctrine of unfettered capitalism “was most strictly applied during the Republican presidencies of Warren Harding (1920-1923) and Calvin Coolidge (1923-1928) (Kangas). President Bush's Administration and policies most resembles that of President Warren Harding’s Administration and polices.

"Once in office, Harding admitted to his close friends that the job was beyond him. The capable men that Harding appointed to his cabinet included Charles Evans Hughes as Secretary of State, Andrew Mellon as Secretary of the Treasury, and Herbert Hoover as Secretary of Commerce. But he also surrounded himself with dishonest cheats, who came to be known as "the Ohio gang." Many of them were later charged with defrauding the government, and some of them went to jail. Though Harding knew of the limitations of men like Harry Dougherty, the slick friend he appointed attorney general, he liked to play poker with them, drink whiskey, smoke, tell jokes, play golf, and keep late hours."…
…Most historians regard Harding as the worst President in the nation's history. In the end, it was not his corrupt friends, but rather, Harding's own lack of vision that was most responsible for the tarnished legacy"

President Warren Harding'’s hands-off approach of the investment class helped exacerbate and deepen the class divide. The richer were richer, and the poor were poorer and the small middle-class was on life support. Workers could not afford the products that they were manufacturing. In effect, America was an oligarchy. Eventually, this corporate governance caused the Great Depression.

The Cannibalism of Neocons

It was in part Bill Clinton’s blowjob that made the election in 2000 close enough that the Supreme Court could give the presidency to one George W. Bush. The Bush administration had no less than 30 Project for the New American Century members at every level of the new government. New American Century was a neocon organization that saw America as a hyper-power and wanted to project military dominance around the world. The neocons were no longer confined to political mercenary missions or ethereal white papers. They had reached the pinnacle of power, capturing all three branches of government: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. When September 11th, 2001 happened, their values and ideology once viewed as extreme became mainstream Republican governance.

The neocons’ skillfully conflated right-wing conservative secular ideology with religious dogma. These two ingredients created millions of neoconic ideologues, which they are able to mobilized by a single issue like abortion. To the pack, the world is either Good or Evil. Life is simply about faith rather than about reality.

The necons are great and efficient at destroying things, but are miserable at building things and Statesmanship. They have attempted to disassemble Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal-- social welfare programs like social security, unemployment benefits etc., by bankrupting the treasury with over-spending, corporate tax cuts, and uncontrolled spending on the occupation of Iraq and Afhganistan. With the now $810 billion bailout, Bush may be the first Republican to actually succeed in destroying America’s social system.

Neocons are bullies and have nothing but contempt for the government and for the people whom they govern. This is why they continue to lie even when the lie is pointed out to them. They are great performers, having built a public relations and crisis management style of governing, creating chaos and destruction only to pretend being the firemen and not the arsonists who sat the fire. They can no longer run or hide from the shit they’ve shoveled under the carpet. Eight years of insecurity, legislative and economic failure has revealed to the American people their lack of compassion, their lack of sacrifice. They have sold themselves to the American people as the tonic for the Democratic Party’s moral decay; however, it’s a reflection of their incompetence in governance and moral decay. The neocons’ rule of thumb: project your weakness and shortcomings onto your political opponent to destroy him.

It may not be this election cycle, but the Republicans will fall spectacularly, they always do, it’s in their political DNA. When they again rise from the ashes, they will have no synaptic connections to why they fell; they will only see it as their destiny.

Causes of the Great Depression: A Review of Keynesian Theory
by Steve Kangas


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