Thursday, September 25, 2008

by Malik Isasis

Bush’s method of governance is to induce fear so that his cronies can move in quickly to make monumental policy changes while the American people are still in the state of shock. It is nothing short of rape. Fear itself—scare people into submission, if that doesn’t work, threatened them with more fear. September 11th, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and occupations, Terrorists, and now ”Our entire economy is in danger.”

A plot is taking place. Since John McCain's campaign has been infiltrated by George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection team, McCain has taken on that shit-smell. So, Bush and McCain have coordinated two press conferences to upstage Barack Obama and the Democrats. A political ploy that has failed on arrival.

“We can help each other,” I can imagine Bush having told McCain.

McCain’s Press Conference

McCain gave a press conference stating that he was canceling his campaign to fly back to Washington to help iron out a settlement on the bail out of Wall Street. He stated that he spoke to Obama.

"We must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved," Mr McCain said, urging Mr Obama to join him.

Obama recognized the attempt hoodwink immediately and stated:

"What I'm planning to do now is debate on Friday," Mr Obama told reporters in Clearwater, Florida, where he had gone to prepare for the high-stakes encounter. "I think that it is going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once."

McCain’s proposal is to put the presidential debate off until October 2, 2008. October 2, 2008 is the date of the first and only Vice Presidential debate. McCain’s campaign suggested that debate be put off until further notice, and that the first Presidential Debate take its place.

McCain surrogate Sen. Lindsey Graham tells CNN the McCain campaign is proposing to the Presidential Debate Commission and the Obama camp that if there's no bailout deal by Friday, the first presidential debate should take the place of the VP debate, currently scheduled for next Thursday, October 2 in St. Louis.

It would appear McCain is hiding the fact that Sarah Palin is a fraud, and is unable to hold her own on the issues—okay, she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talking about.

See how she speaks in circles? Yes, I know it’s embarrassing, but imagine four more years of this. The snow job is melting and the Republicans know it.

Bush’s Press Conference

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign said Wednesday night that President Bush called the Illinois senator shortly before the president was set to address the nation and asked him to come to Washington to discuss a solution to the country’s financial crisis.

You see the coordination, right? Obama didn’t bite. He agreed to go to Washington but will promptly return on Friday for the Presidential Debate.

Country Dead Last

Bush and McCain don’t care about country that much is clear. We are to them, what they leave in the toilet. Look at New Orleans. Look at the huge pit in Lower Manhattan, purposely left so that Bush can scratch open the wound every anniversary to show the American people the blood.

I use to think, if the Republicans hate government so much, why do they run for office and become career politicians? Most politicians are multi-millionaires. We have a billionaire mayor here in New York City. Why would a billionaire want to be a politician? It finally occurred to me that Republicans become politicians to protect their assets, their wealth and obtain more power. You see, this is why bailing out Wall Street is so urgent, and New Orleans was not.

Bush has jacked this government for trillions before our very eyes, and maybe this will be his waterloo, his Achilles heel that will lead to his and Cheney being convicted and frog marched off to a cell for the rest of their natural lives for crimes against humanity.

As for you McCain …you’ve played yourself, and faded yourself.


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