Wednesday, October 17, 2007


by Malik Isasis

Humanity has always been on the precipice of total collapse, there’s nothing new there. Modernity however has made it much easier for us to accelerate our demise. Like in Thelma and Louise, Bush has punched the pedal to the medal and we’re heading right off the cliff. This is Bush’s way of bringing us closer to his God. The Corporate God, which propagandizes the government as the enemy of the people and sees the government purely as a tool to wash its bloody money.

Superpowers are delusional by nature because they truly believe that they can hold onto power and keep others from obtaining it. It is in this delusion that all empires rise and fall. They believe that what happened to their predecessors will not happen to them. For example, the ethos of American exceptionalism--that the United States is benign and benevolent, keep Americans from accepting the systemic failure in governance and the certainty of economic and military collapse due to non-sensical foreign policies.

Occupying and trying to colonize Iraq is not exceptional to United States’ history, yet our politicians want us to believe that our occupation of Iraq is not like that of Europe’s occupation and colonization of African, Latin, and Asian nations, which was brutal and inhumane—not to mention, leaving behind tragic consequences that has bloomed into genocides and decades of civil unrest.

The State Department

What is the purpose of Condoleezza Rice? Yes, she’s the Secretary of State, the official face of American diplomacy but the more she talks, the worse the world becomes. She has the Sadim touch, the opposite of Midas touch. The only thing she has accomplished is her position is the ability to crank the Gears of War. Sending a chimp over to meet world leaders would have been more effective.

Maybe her failure is because Bush has contracted out diplomacy in the form of Blackwater.

WASHINGTON -- The State Department, which is facing growing criticism of its policy on private security contractors, overlooked repeated warnings from U.S. diplomats in the field that guards were endangering Iraqi civilians and undermining U.S. efforts to win support from the population, according to current and former U.S. officials.

Illusions of Grandeur

The United States has a long history of colonization in its short existence from the Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa, Virgin Islands to Hawaii. Since the rise of the Military Industrial Complex at the end of World War II, the United States has been in a state of perpetual war--starting with Korea 1950-53, Indonesia, 1950-53, Guatemala 1950-53, Congo 1964, Cuba 1959-61 Vietnam 1961-73, Peru 1965, Laos 1964-73, Cambodia 1969-70, Lebanon 1982-83, Grenada 1983, El Salvador 1980, Libya 1986, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Iraq 1990-currently.

The United States’ hubris stems from its historical roots of white supremacy, which it inherited from its ancestor Great Britain. It is hard for politicians in this country to grasp that people do not want to be occupied—but that doesn’t matter does it? The United States knows what is best for the natives, and will give the Iraqis democracy whether they want it or not.

As America trips and falls into the pile of bodies of former empires, the baton will be caught by China. Will China prove any different from the any number of empires throughout history? Probably not, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

Maybe empirism is nature’s way of recycling superpowers.


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