Friday, September 28, 2007


by Malik Isasis

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” - President Franklin Roosevelt

The corporate media has laid down the ground work for another Middle Eastern colonization grab by childishly dehumanizing the Iranian head of state President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with racist epithtets. He was called ‘evil’ and ‘Hitler” both cartoonish caricatures, but this is how the United States prefers to view people it deems evil. The corporate shills in the media not only gave Bush and Co. the pleasure of not having to speak with Ahmdinejad, but they illustrated that the propaganda against Iran was a success and that the politics of fear has again won the day.

The Democratically ‘lead’ congress is still being lead by the nose by the Republican Party because the Democratic Party is unable to comprehend that they were voted into power to counter the despotism that infected the Republicans during their absolute reign for six years. The Democrats have internalized the Republican Party’s propaganda of them, which is being weak on issues of national security, poor stewards of the economy and that Democrats are culturally immoral. As evidence to the contrary, skewers the Republican Party over the open flames of the hell of their making, the Democrats consistently are proving at least one of the Republican talking points correct: The Democratic Party is a weak alternative to their imperial aggression.

The Democrats have been so consumed by the fear of being called unpatriotic that they are willing helpers of shoveling the bodies of the dead and future dead soldiers into the Gears of War to win the approval of the Republicans, but instead of receiving approval for their obedience, the Democrats receive instead more emotional abuse. It is a sick cycle. The more the Democrats bend the more the Republicans psychically abuse them.

Bush and the Republican Party are strategically putting the Iraq occupation failure in the lap of the Democratic Party by saying they don’t support the troops and that they want to cut and run. So, no matter what happens the Democratic Party will receive the credit for Bush’s and the Republican Party’s policy failures.

Cowardice on Display a liberal advocacy group called General Petreaus “General Betray Us” after Patreaus made a political decision to support Bush’ s perpetual occupation of the Iraqi people. The Republicans’ very effective echo chamber began to run in overdrive denouncing as a far-left wing organization and began demanding that the Democrats disavow them.

"Democratic leaders must make a choice today: either embrace the character assassination tactics has leveled against the four-star general leading our troops in the fight against al Qaeda, or denounce it as disgraceful. [Senator Boehner].

[Notice how skillfully Boehner inserted al Qaeda as if to connect 911 to Iraq?]

Can you guess what the Democratic Party did?

The Senate voted on Thursday to repudiate an ad from that referred to Gen. David Petraeus as “General Betray Us.” Democratic presidential front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) opposed the measure, while her closest competitor, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), missed the vote.

The Democrats obviously haven't learned the lessons from the Iraq invasion and subsequent occupation. Former Democrat, now Independent Neocon Despot Joseph Leiberman has wrote a non-binding Amendment No. 3017 or National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008. Purpose: "use of all instruments of United States national power in Iraq." The amendment declares the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization.

Can you guess how the Democratic Party voted?

Yesterday, the Kyl-Lieberman amendment passed with a vote of 76 to 22. There is a full list of the Senators who voted on the amendment at the U.S. Senate website. Peace Action stands against this, and any amendment, which we believe will further degrade U.S. relations with Iran and lead us into war. [US Senate vote breakdown].

US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates requested from Congress an additional amount of USD 42 billion, shoring up the 2008 budget allocated to fund the ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan to nearly USD 190 billion.

How do you think the Democrats will vote?

Based upon the pattern since their taking over congress, they’ll give Bush exactly what he wants. Strength, courage and wisdom have been subverted by fear.


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