Wednesday, August 29, 2007


by Malik Isasis

The devil decries evil.
Virtue is his guise
To find the hidden villain
Listen for the loudest voice

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

Republicans are finding that their chickens are coming home to roost. For several election cycles now, Republicans and their political operatives have used gays (and Mexicans) as a stepping-stone onto the political stage of morality. Gays were burned at the political stake; they were sacrificial lambs for the Republicans’ self aggrandizing campaign as the Party whose moral values, and family values are impregnable.

An undercover policeman arrested Senator Larry Craig of Idaho on June 11, 2007 for lewd acts in a men's bathroom (read police report here). Craig is just the latest in a long list of repressed and closeted gay Republican politicians and political operatives misbehaving under the guise of moral infallibility.

I would like to add that I am not associating bad behavior with being gay.

One Bad Apple and the Six Degrees of Bill Clinton

Republicans will give the-one-bad-apple argument a spin, ignoring that when you have a barrel full of bad apples, the whole barrel is bad. Republicans and operatives alike are calling for Craig’s resignation but they keep missing the point.

It’s tragic that the Republicans keep solidifying their positions as moral exemplars in the face of systemic corruption. They truly believe their own hype, thinking that it is a select few in the party who go astray…well, here is a list of Republican sex scandals.

Maybe their narcissism is so acute that they are unable to see the continued destructiveness of their ideology; not even most of their members can live up to what they preach.

Gov. ROMNEY: Yeah, I think it reminds us of Mark Foley and Bill Clinton. I think it reminds us of the fact that people who are elected to public office continue to disappoint, and they somehow think that if they vote the right way on issues of significance or they can speak a good game, that we'll just forgive and forget. And the truth of the matter is, the most important thing we expect from elected--an elected official is a level of dignity and character that we can point to for our kids and our grandkids, and say, `Hey, someday I hope you grow up and you're someone like that person.' And we've seen disappointment in the White House, we've seen it in the Senate, we've seen it in Congress. And frankly, it's disgusting.

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney couldn’t help himself by taking a swipe at Clinton. The Republicans are relentless and unforgiving of Bill Clinton’s indiscretions but suffer from short-term memory when it comes to former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s, Republican Representative Henry Hyde’s, Republican Senator Bob Dole’s, and many others’, affairs. What is disgusting Mitt Romney is your self adulation, the inability to divorce yourself from the make-believe world where houses are made of chocolate and peppermint, women know their places, and gay just means, happy.

The Republicans'collective psychosis is supported by the 33% of the populous who support them no matter what, so the Party's ideological flaw will continue unhindered allowing them to become more and more culturally irrelevant.


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