Friday, August 17, 2007


by Malik Isasis

From the people who brought you the Iraq Occupation, the Afghanistan quagmire, the Hurricane Katrina Aftermath, the Lebanon-Israeli war, the arming of militias across the world, the national debt, an arms race with China, a coming cold war with Russia, and the collapse of the American dollar, bring you the September status report on progress in Iraq.

General Petraeus is a pawn, a used condom in the Bush Syndicate's attempt to change nothing about the occupation. As I said before Iraq is the staging ground for a bigger operation, Iran. General Petraeus like the generals before him have come to personify cowardice and have allowed Bush to break the military.

Media Malfeasants

Over the past several weeks the corporate media has been vomiting the bile of propaganda out onto the American people. In sheer political hackery, Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack of the New York Times stated this:

In previous trips to Iraq we often found American troops angry and frustrated — many sensed they had the wrong strategy, were using the wrong tactics and were risking their lives in pursuit of an approach that could not work.

Today, morale is high. The soldiers and marines told us they feel that they now have a superb commander in Gen. David Petraeus; they are confident in his strategy, they see real results, and they feel now they have the numbers needed to make a real difference.

Yes, morale is so high
99 soldiers committed suicide last year, the highest suicide rate in 26 years.

O’Hanlon and Pollack are political operatives. The purpose of their op-ed piece in the New York Times was so that it could be used by the Bush Syndicate as support for their bloody occupation and colonization of Iraq. Watch Darth Cheney use these douchebags’ piece to obfuscate the failure (see here.) Although corporate hacks peg these philistines as critics of Bush and the Iraq occupation, nothing could be further from the truth. O’Hanlon and Pollack have always supported the occupation (see here).

Do you see how these fools, roll?

The corporate media stands in front of the Iraq door to hide the death and destruction unleashed by the United States' occupation, but the people see the blood seeping through the cracks. The corporate puppets can not hide the death.

BAGHDAD: The death toll from four suicide truck bomb attacks in northern Iraq has risen to 400, a top official said on Thursday, making it by far the deadliest attack since the fall of Saddam Hussein four years ago.

“More than 400 people were killed and the toll is expected to rise,” the director of operations at the interior ministry, Major General Abdel Karim Khalaf, told AFP.

The number of people killed was also the highest single toll since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States in which around 3,000 people died. Khalaf said the four suicide bombers packed two tonnes of explosives into their lorries, unleashing massive devastation on members of the ancient Yazidi religious sect in the northern province of Nineveh on Tuesday.

Measuring Success

Bush and the media are measuring success how? Are the newsreaders and pundits at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX NEWS retarded? It sure seems so. Success should be measured on how many other Arab and Muslim countries we can get to come in and broker peace and commit their troops. Measuring success should be getting Iran to the table. Measuring success should be getting the world involved.

But Bush is not looking for success; rather he, the neocons and the Likudniks in the Israeli parliament are looking to parlay their shitastic foreign policy effort toward Iran.

Bush and Cheney are emotional and intellectual cripples. These two men are in charge of the group think Republicans who will follow them into the depths of hell. The corporate media has begun priming the American people for another extension of the occupation, by providing cover for the Bush Syndicate; the Republicans will still support the occupation because the party doesn’t support independent thinking, and they're despotic even at the possibilities of self-destruction. So, here’s my prediction: Bush isn’t going to change (remember, he’s like the savant of death), the Republicans will continue their support, and the Democrats will fold and compromise by giving Bush exactly what he wants.

That’s depressing, however, I'm not giving up on this country. Any country where I can talk this much shit is worth fighting for.


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