Friday, July 09, 2010

by Malik Isasis

BREAKING NEWS: Sarah Palin has tweeted—no-no, she wrote something on Facebook, correction, Sarah Palin has just released a video on Youtube, so let’s over analyze every single word. The corporate media get themselves in a tizzy whenever Sister Sarah vomits her political commentary somewhere into the Social Networking sphere. Sarah Palin, the former, half-governor (she quit after two years to make some guap (that’s money for you uncool kids)) and Senator John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate has done it again, convinced the corporate meat puppets in making a mountain out of a molehill. The media has convinced Sarah Palin that she is more important than she really is.

Sarah Palin is an empty vessel, a wooden horse of Troy for the financial class, and like her comrade President George W. Bush, she is not curious—lacks education on the things in which she discusses, instead, she speaks in generalities, circular logic and filibusters critics with a rash of run-on sentences. She should have been discredited after the 2008 presidential election for her lack of knowledge on governance—basically being a fraud, but the corporate media protects her by giving her Tweets, Facebook notes, and Youtube videos more authority than that of elected officials (see Death Panels), often using it as fodder to discredit President Obama or the Democratic Party.

It’s clear to anyone who has eyes, and ears with a little common sense that Sister Sarah is mining her fame for guap, and she like other Republicans are corporate whores, ready to be rented out by pretending she is one of the people with her roadside show of awe-shucks, you’re darn toodin’ bullshit. Sarah Palin is an anti-intellectual corporate investment, just as President Bush had been before her. President Bush paid out big dividends during his eight years in office with his privatization of the federal government schemes, which I like to call the wealth re-distribution ponzi scheme—e.g. no bid contracts, etc.

Like other Rightwing whores Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin’s sole purpose is to line her own pockets with dumb-down, anti-intellectual political screeds, which spreads paranoia and irrational fears to under educated white folks who will vote against their own interests if they think it will hurt blacks, or Mexicans, or Arabs, or poor people.

Mom awakening? Mama Grizzly Bears? WTF?

“For a political figure used to an off-the-cuff style, Palin's video has a professional and polished feel that could strengthen and broaden her emotional appeal among female voters.” -Washington Post

Palin's polished new video encapsulates the brand of independent, feminist yet traditional, brand of conservatism Palin stands for and is pushing through 2010 candidates like Heil and South Carolina's Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley. -CBS NEWS

The former Republican vice presidential nominee has remained firmly in the national spotlight since resigning her post as governor one year ago, thanks to television appearances, a national book tour, speaking engagements, and social media outlets. -CNN

Sounding teary, Palin discusses the need to "turn things around" for "kids and grandkids." One video segment shows an elderly woman in a wheelchair attending a Tea Party rally with a sign reading, "Don't Tread on Me" attached to her chair. -FOX News

Why hasn’t Sarah Palin been outed as a political fraud with absolutely nothing to say besides recycled slogans? Palin mentions nothing about what she is for, what exactly is this video about besides mixed-metaphors? I understand Republicans masturbating to her image, but why does the corporate media protect this imbecile?

Oh, right. Empty Vessel. Corporate Trojan Horse.


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