Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The House Negro who is being sent to the field
by Malik Isasis

Michael Steele, head of the Republican National Committee is now learning that the “R” that signifies his allegiance to the Republican Party is no antidote for the white supremacist lashings he is receiving about the back for his comments on the Afghan war and occupation; and the corporate media, left, right and center are piling on like children at a playground.

Steel said, "This was a war of Obama's choosing…This is not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in." Steele is an intelligent man, it is clear that he was playing to the lizard brain Republican supporters at a fundraiser (these quotes were taken from a video recording at a fund raising event), just as other Republicans do at these events--say anything no matter how outrageous or untrue--remember Senator George Allen, Republican who at a fund raiser, called a man of East Indian heritage, Macaca? Macaca is French for macaque, a monkey. Steele was just following protocol. He knows that Bush and the Republicans begot the Afghan war and occupation in 2001 with President Obama and Democrats now sustaining it. So, why is the corporate media lemmings rushing to topple him?

Other Republicans have said much more offensive things—take for instance Republican Joe Wilson who shouted during President Obama’s national speech on health care, “You Lie!” He initially apologized, but found out he was a hero amongst the Right, so went on to use his "You Lie!" as a fund raising opportunity, stating that he will
not be muzzled.

What about Sarah Palin? who claimed during that same time period, that the elderly would be put in front of Death Panels? The corporate media legitimized both these Republicans, but especially Palin’s nonsensical claim of Death Panels, which helped fuel anti-healthcare rage among the Rightwing populace. Check out these Republicans slamming first black Supreme Court Justice and Civil Rights Leader, Thurgood Marshall during the Kagan Hearings:

It is unbelievable--actually, it is very believable that Republicans were allowed to get away with their racist trite; the ugly face of white supremacy rears its ugly head, nearly everyday in the corporate media on matters of immigration and terrorism. Here is Thurgood Marshall’s real biography.

Let me be clear, I hate Republicans, and I especially don’t like black Republicans, it is intellectual dissonance--oxymoronic, to be an African American and support a party that fundamentally despises you for your heritage.

Michael Steele is being victimized by the white supremacists, who shrewdly put him into the position to capitalize on President Obama’s popularity and to be seen as a diverse party. The Republicans’ House Negro is disposable, unlike the truly ignorant and uninformed Sarah Palin. Now, Steele is feeling alone, being punished for dumbing himself down, and saying nonsensical things to attract money into the party. This script has played out before, when the House Negro is of no more use to his master, he is thrown out into the hot blazing sun with the rest of the Field Negroes he’d help oppress.

Welcome to the field, Michael Steele.


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