Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The rapid cycling Glenn Beck, dope feign Rush Limbaugh and the whole fifth column of insanity REALLY would like to call Obama a nigger, but they can’t so they settle for Black-man-child, Magical Negro, Communist, Socialist, Hitler, Satan, Alien, Undocumented Worker, and Kenyan (Really, a Kenyan?). I think they should go ahead and man-up and call the president a nigger and get it over with.

It is always interesting to see corporate media twist themselves into pretzels to give the white supremacists of the Republican Party the benefit of the doubt, regardless of the evidence that once again Black folks have become the Straw Man for all that is wrong with America

Fox News’ corporate cymbal monkey Glenn Beck founded the 9-12 Project six months ago, with the intent of capturing the feelings of America after September 11, 2001—remember the feelings of rage that got us into two wars and two occupations? The high anxiety, which allowed the Bush Administration to hijack the constitution to wipe their shitty asses? That feeling? Over the recent September 11, 2001 anniversary approximately seventy thousand protesters from the reptilian leaning Tea Bag organizations mustered on the National Mall of Washington D.C. to express their vitriol for the Obama presidency.

After former President Jimmy Carter called, correctly the Tea Baggers' criticism of President Obama white supremacy, the rightwing worked themselves into a lather—because being called a racist, is far worst than actually being one. Take a look:

The Republican machine rolled out their Black Face clown, Chairman of the Republican National Committee like Michael Steele, to admonish former President Carter’s statements.

“Characterizing American's disapproval of President Obama's policies as being based on race is an outrage and a troubling sign about the lengths Democrats will go to disparage all who disagree with them,” Steel said in dramatic fashion. I get the feeling that Steele is fighting for his job and would say anything to keep his white handlers at bay—to prove his fidelity. He is the worst kind of Uncle Tom, the one in which the African proverb about the tree and ax fits perfectly.

When the axe came into the forest, the trees said, “The handle is one of us.”


Here’s Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck as documented by Media Matters.

Okay, so: where is the outrage by the corporate media? Nowhere right? However, call one of these idiots a white supremacist or racist, and Blacks are stuck with playing the “race card”. This is the sickness of white supremacy in this country. Neely Fuller, Jr., author and activist established in his book, The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept the four basic stages of racism (white supremacy):

1. Establishment of white supremacy
2. Maintenance of white supremacy
3. Expansion of white supremacy
4. Refinement of white supremacy

The upside down world, or parallel universe the corporate media creates is to perpetuate the four basic stages of white supremacy. Corporate media is not interested in the redress of injustice; rather it turns the concept inside out and uses it as a rallying cry for the 33% of the population who are True Believers, those who just may fire the loaded gun they bring to an Obama event.


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