Monday, March 23, 2009

The Alice In Wonderland Effect
by Malik Isasis

The investor class and the underclass are maybe the only two economic classes that really know the tic-toc. Poor people have always said, “Why vote, it doesn’t matter anyway.” The investor class already knows that no matter whom you vote for, they’re in charge because they actually own the politicians and write the policies. The Middle Class, the dopes of the economic classes, only gets stroked without a happy ending every election cycle from politicians using hackneyed, ubiquitous phrases like “Tax Cuts for the Middle Class” and they fall for it every time.

We’ve seen in high definition and stereo sound over the past eight years, a former president, George Bush invade and occupy two countries, murder and displace millions of people, destabilize the Middle East, and bankrupt a superpower, and get away with it. Recently, we’ve witness Wall Street self-cannibalize causing the entire banking system to fail.

Where is the accountability? It’s as if the Bush years never happened, and all of this shit we’re wading through just appeared on our doorsteps 60 days ago.

The corporate media creates parallel universes, rabbit holes of absurdity to keep American citizens misinformed and shallow.

Meanwhile…Bush and his cabal have gotten away with it.

The Problem with Wall Street

Democratic Representative Sherman of California takes on the investors' porn station, CNBC over bailouts. Host Mark Haines is representative of the sleaze that oozes from the open wound that is our economy.


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