Friday, December 15, 2006


President Bush stated that he would not be rushed into a difficult decision on a strategy for Iraq. After meeting with consultants from the Department of Defense, Bush stated that there were some “interesting ideas” and other ideas that would lead to “defeat.” Bush, usually vague on details, did not buck the trend. “Stay-the-course” has morphed into a “New Way Forward” same ol’shit, different day. If he had been more thoughtful about the invasion and subsequent occupation of a sovereign nation, maybe he would have avoided it, like his father.

John McCain went to Iraq, saw the death and destruction and is now advocating for more death and destruction by asking to send up to 30,000 more troops to Iraq to stabilize the unbridled carnage. John McCain who is vying for a presidential bid, has sold his soul to El Diablo and the neocons by becoming George Bush, light. In the past six years McCain has moved from moderate conservative, to a self-righteous rightwinger. McCain’s political
usually goes unnoticed because of the sycophants in the media, who despite McCain’s voting record, refer to him as a Maverick (see more sycophantic ramblings on McCain).

A friend of mine who was born and raised in Turkey most of her life asked me one day:

“Why is everything about losing and winning with Americans?”

“I dunno.” I said.

It is a false choice, losing or winning. Politicians with the help of the media have managed to frame the Iraq Occupation as a win or lose knowing that there is a culture in the United States of hating to lose. Why can’t there be a win-win? Why does there have to be a loser? Bush, McCain, Republicans and Democrats have become so myopic in a path to victory that they overlook the humanity of people. It is what kept us in Vietnam.


If US pulls out. Nawaf Obaid, Adjunct Fellow at the Center for Strategic & International Studies wrote in the Washington Post:

“To turn a blind eye to the massacre of Iraqi Sunnis would be to abandon the principles upon which the kingdom was founded. It would undermine Saudi Arabia's credibility in the Sunni world and would be a capitulation to Iran's militarist actions in the region" (read Reuters account).

Saudi Arabia’s possible intervention will provide more cover for the Bush Administration to do more of the same.

Another mass kidnapping by phony (or real) police took place in an open-air market near the Green Zone, under the nose of the Iraqi authroity and American troops. No one knows why or the motivations behind the kidnappings which continues to exacerbate a mass exodus of the middle and professional classes to neighboring Jordan.

This Iraq mess just may be America's touch stone in its fall from grace and as a world power.


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