Wednesday, April 30, 2008

by Malik Isasis

Have you heard? Bush and his playmates want to play in Iran’s sand box. It is predicted that Israel and the United States will be warring with Iran before the next election. This news story is being buried under the wall-to-wall coverage of nonsense. Grown folks acting childishly, is what I originally wanted to call this entry, but Haters, seem more appropriate. The media alone has dusted up Reverend Jeremiah Wright again, and again has shown that they will go to any lengths to justify making Wright, the sun of Obama’s solar system, while Bush goes off and happily starts another war.

You tell me who has done more damage to this country, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, or Scooter Libby? Reverend Wright or former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales? Reverend Wright or Michael Brown? Reverend Wright or George Bush?

The corporate media praised George Bush for standing by Scooter Libby, even as he pardon him for outing a C.I.A agent; The corporate media blew kisses when Bush stood by the Architect of Abu Ghraib and mastermind of water boarding, Alberto Gonzales; Michael Brown (Federal Emergence Management Agency, or FEMA) of Hurricane Katrina was not only responsible for the response after the hurricane, but after he resigned due to the historical failure, he was hired back on as a consultant. The corporate media praises Bush for standing by his friends. Bush blows kisses and the corporate media winks and air-grabs them.

I would argue that Bush and his playmates have done much more harm to the American people, than say, a preacher from Chicago preaching against war and hatred. Here’s a FULLER context of Reverend Wright’s speech:

Remember, the media tried discrediting Martin Luther King when he spoke truth to power. Here we go again, with a very unimaginative, but very effective media psy-ops, to discredit just another angry black man in a long list of black social activists.

Black folks’ anger about their condition has to be pre-approved by the white corporate infrastructure. The continuing legacy of white supremacy is the belief that black folks, as well as others of color are white man’s burden. This Eurocentric view drives those who have bought into white supremacy to believe that white people consequently have an obligation to breakdown other cultures making them completely docile, thus, easier to rule over.

Barack Obama has kissed the brass ring of white supremacy by giving into an interview with Fox News. He has also become the angry black man the corporate press wanted him to be over Reverend Wright. Now they can later use it against him by saying, “Is Obama too angry?” Obama has now distanced himself from Wright, just as the corporate media wanted. This idea of wanting Obama to disown his former pastor to which he referred to as family, is akin to the American and European slaveholders and traders maintaining the broken spirit of stolen Africans, by separating him and her from their family groups, to avert an uprising.

What will the corporate media want next from Obama?

The corporate media has sanctioned Obama for NOT throwing his former pastor under the bus the first time, and embracing him as family. The price: nearly two months of a non-stop thirty second excerpt, looping over and over, and over of Reverend Wright’s fiery delivery of “…God damn America…” and an over appraisal of Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the nomination.

The media reports on Reverend Jeremiah Wright with their foot on the scale, and pretend that it is Obama’s problem. Well, it appears he's gotten the message.

But when will Democrats learn? They seem to be dense when it comes to dealing with neocons, the corporate press and Republicans. The Democrats try inoculating themselves from Republican criticism and curry favor with their critics by apologizing when asked, or disassociating themselves from their base. Have you ever seen a Republican disassociate himself from the Republican base? What Democrats fail to understand is that the Republican Party hates the Democratic Party and wants to destroy them. The more you give, the more they will take.


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