Tuesday, March 06, 2007


by Malik Isasis

Here I was, like many of my progressive brethren, screaming from the roof tops in the spirit of the doomed Greek beauty, Cassandra about the wicked ways of the Bush Administration but who the hell am I, to go against centuries of tradition?

My ancestors were taken against their will from the west coast of the African continent and brought to the shores of the New World and colonized along with the Native American Indian—twin holocausts, if you will.

Think about it—all that land traded sometimes for alcohol, but mostly just annexed, violently —and what about four hundred years of free labor from the Africans to make America one of the most prosperous countries ever? The cheap Chinese immigrant labor that helped complete the transcontinental railroad system. Who the hell am I, to go against centuries of tradition?

Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny was a phrase that expressed the belief that the United States was destined to expand from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Ocean; it has also been used to advocate for or justify other territorial acquisitions. Maybe this explains the last 57 years of perpetual state of war we are in--starting with Korea 1950-53, Indonesia, 1950-53, Guatemala 1950-53, Congo 1964, Cuba 1959-61 Vietnam 1961-73, Peru 1965, Laos 1964-73, Cambodia 1969-70, Lebanon 1982-83, Grenada 1983, El Salvador 1980, Libya 1986, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Iraq 1990-current. It’s our Manifest Destiny.

Iraq has many rich natural resources, mostly, oil—we want it, and so it’s our destiny to get it, right? I mean it’s ours; all we have to do is keep breaking the spirit of the natives, divide and conquer—have them kill one another off by supporting one side over the other—like the Dutch did in Rwanda.

Bush is brilliant. I get it now.

He’s going to duplicate this plan in Iran, and maybe Syria, if he has time. While the natives will be busy killing each other off, we can scoop up their natural resources. This has worked for centuries, who the hell am I, to go against centuries of tradition?


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